Sunday, May 3, 2009

WEEK 8 Leader Board

So we have been officially doing this now for 2 months and we've seen some great competition and hopefully you are all beginning to feel the blood begin to circulate in you legs now as your jeans are not feeling as tight as they once were. I mean, between the 11 of us who actually weighed in this week, we've lost a total of 83lbs! and that's only half of us. Way to go everyone and make sure to check your back, because the next contestant may be right behind you. Now for the numbers:
  1. -9.52% McLovin (1) We're getting tired of seeing your mug at number one, take a donut break or something!
  2. -6.99% Tubby Lumpkin (2) You too, I hear that eating a snickers before bed is supposed to help raise your metabolism.
  3. -5.23% Lose 28 (4)
  4. -4.75% Big Momma (6)
  5. -3.88% Apple Dumplin (7)
  6. -3.43% Bob Loblaw (11)
  7. -3.45% Cooglestigs (9)
  8. -3.13% Cookiehead Jenkins (10)
  9. -2.39% Dough Daddy (15)
  10. -1.63% Budonkadonk (14)
  11. -1.33% Girl from Oatley (16)
  12. N/A Nacho Libre, Booty Shaker, IBTWYPDB, Josie, Fatty McButterPants, Muchos Chins, Tiny, Sassafrass, Bagpipe, and Boob

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